Monday, February 29, 2016


I've learned some things. I kind of just keep learning the same things over and over again. Waiting for them to stick in my heart I guess. I've learned that to enjoy life, do everything. Everything that you have the opportunity to do.

My little paradise is... becoming a little bit more Paradisaical . Before it stressed me out because the work here is flat lined and I didn't know what to do, but poco a poco I'm figuring stuff out about myself and about what I am capable of. Truth is, Talavera needs a miracle. There's talk about closing the branch because there is a ton of members, but they are all less active. We have an apartment as our chapel right now, but to keep it, we have to have a steady attendance of 50 ish people every week. And since I've been here, that has happened once. Yesterday. But I feel like a miracle is slowly unfolding. We've been finding less actives steadily these past couple weeks and it's what our President has told us to do, focus on the less actives, and we're working with them to get them active again. But to me, I don't know...  that's even harder than baptizing. But it's what the branch needs. Transfers are next week and I am praaaaaying that Presidente is going to put another companionship of missionaries here to work with us because really, we need help. We're the only ones here. But who knows. Maybe God has something else in store for Talavera. We'll see. 

Well I don't really have much to report. I'm doing fine. I'm kinda hoping for a transfer, but at the same time I want to help Talavera. It's just hard when there is so much to do and I don't know where to start. I've been praying for something like a road map to fall from the heavens, and I'm still waiting. It'll come. 

My comp is doing well. We're still figuring each other out. I feel like I need to help her to remember why she's here and we had a comp inventory where we talked about all the things that keep us from remembering who we are and why we are here as missionaries. It lasted a good 2 hours. But it was very much needed and I think it helped. I just want her to be happy with the quality of mission she has and I too want that. So we're going to keep remembering who we are and get rid of all the pride we have in our hearts. 

 Love  you all!
Hermana Rust

 The CCM crew together again! This is from the conference we had last week. I don't know if you remember Elder Vance, but he was in my district in the CCM and us three are the only north Americans in our group. So it was fun to be together again. 

My whole mission!! First one to find me gets a "Bien Hecho!" 

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